Sleepy Hollow

This peaceful village along the Hudson is rightly proud of its rich history. From Washington Irving's tale that gives the town its name, to the Rockefellers and a host of buildings from the 17th and 18th Centuries, Sleepy Hollow's past is full of intrigue and notable events. Yet today, it remains a quaint, verdant, welcoming community of about 9,000 residents.

The Commute

Peak trains from Sleepy Hollow to Grand Central run about 35 minutes. On Off-Peak hours, expect the trip to be about 10 minutes longer.

The Place to Go

The Sweet Grass Grill, for fresh local fare and a lively dining room.

The Legacy

The Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is the final resting place of many notable New Yorkers, including author Washington Irving, Andrew Carnegie and Brooke Astor.

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